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7 everyday tips for better mental health 

Posted on 11 May 2022


1. Try to do one positive thing every day and write it down.

It will help to finish the day by looking back at what you’ve achieved. This could be simple things like remembering your umbrella on a rainy day, helping a neighbour, or making time for a quick walk. The key is to give yourself credit for positive actions.

2. Understand situations that exacerbate feelings of anxiety.

This doesn’t mean you should avoid them - but taking time to unpick exactly what made you feel stressed in that moment will help you be calmer next time. Write down or discuss your feelings with your support network, which could include trusted family, friends, or maybe a counsellor.

3. Try to fit in some kind of exercise you enjoy.

Taking exercise is a great idea for mental and physical health, but also tires you out so it’s easier to get to sleep. Medium-intensity exercise such as swimming or yoga will help you destress after a long day. A word of caution: intense exercise like running or a HIIT session too close to bedtime may have the opposite effect.

4. Don’t overlook the importance of sleep.

If you are always stressed about how much you have to do the next day and it’s interfering with your sleep, make a list before bed. Planning the next day with tasks listed in order of priority is a great way to clear your mind and take back control.

5. Stop comparing yourself to others.

Social media makes it easy to fall into the trap of endlessly comparing our lives with others’ and feeling inadequate. Remember that everyone is different with their own thoughts and goals. Concentrate on yourself and don’t look over your shoulder at others.

6. Be realistic and don’t give up.

We all have bad days from time to time. If life doesn’t go to plan, don’t beat yourself up. Just start again the following day. Setbacks and disappointments are part of life – it’s how we respond to them that makes the difference.

7. Delegate and ask for help if you need it.

It’s ok if you can’t do everything yourself. Asking for some advice or support will often take the stress out of the situation. Your support network will have strengths you can call on and in return you can help them out when they’re in need.

If you’d like more advice on mental wellbeing, check out our articles 5 easy ways to reduce stress or How to ask for help with mental wellbeing.

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